15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership Yosh Beier April 8, 2022


What does it take to “lead from above the line” – a place of curiosity, possibility, and creativity?

15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership: A new paradigm for sustainable success by Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman and Kaley Warner Klemp. Self Published, 2014.  $17.00 paperback, 361 pages.  ISBN-13 978-0-9909769-0-5

15 commitments of Conscious Leadership challenges its readers to accept the task of examining how much responsibility they take in their lives, their relationships, and their professional leadership to cultivate (a higher level of) a more sophisticated management style by means of personal and professional growth. It is aimed at individuals who understand that personal and professional life coincide rather than divide an individual.

Synthesizing a wide range of ideas and concepts from organizational and individual psychology, this book challenges its reader to “lead from above the line” vs. being “stuck in the drama triangle” of victim – villain – hero. Any sustainable leadership growth is deeply personal and will require courage, persistence, and accountability. The 15 commitments laid out by Dethmer, Chapman, and Warner offer a powerful roadmap.